Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Apiary

As I live on a 400 square meter section, including a 90 square meter house, there isn't a huge amount of space. The bees don't seem to mind being squished in on one side of garden so no problem.

I currently have one hive and two nucs at home and another two hives further out of town. The first photo shows the setup with the screen to force the bees above head height so they don't bother us in the garden . The second photo shows the small, 4 frame, nuc box I built to house a queen. I'm trying my hand at queen rearing so this is the first of many, hopefully. Under the nuc box is a small hive I am populating for a friend. He wants to grow blueberries and use bees to pollinate them so I'm helping him learn about bees.

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